North-Eastern Montessori School is a co-educational school in the Montessori tradition, with students in our Toddler Community from age 18 months through to Year 6 at the end of Cycle 3.
We accept applications for entry across all year levels, subject to availability. Where possible we recommend that a student enters our school at the beginning of a Cycle to enable us to best cater for their specific educational needs.
We value your interest in our school. The enrolment process provides us with the opportunity to get to know both you and your child. During this time, it is important that we understand your child’s learning profile and determine how we can work together to best cater for their individual needs.
Before submitting an application form, we highly recommend you attend one of our school tours, where you will have the opportunity to see our specialised Montessori learning environment, and meet our Principal to begin the conversation around your needs and expectations. You can book a tour here.
The Application Process
Application Form
An application form (available below) is to be completed and submitted to our Registrar, along with a non-refundable application fee of $150. Applications will not be processed unless and until the application fee has been paid.
A copy of your child’s Birth Certificate and Immunisation History from My Gov is also essential. In addition, please provide any academic or medical reports with your application.
If your child was born overseas or you do not have permanent residency, it is also essential that Visa status documentation also be included with the documentation at this stage.
Letter of Acknowledgement
Once the application form, application fee, birth certificate, Immunisation Record and Visa status (if applicable) has been received, you will receive a Letter of Acknowledgement confirming receipt of the application. At this stage we will also provide you with a Parent/Carer Questionnaire to complete. This must be returned, along with all relevant assessments, diagnostic tests and school reports, before an interview can be scheduled.
According to your child’s position on the waiting list, our Registrar will contact you to meet with the Cycle Leader and/or Principal. This is an opportunity for you to discuss any questions you may have regarding our school, our Montessori program, and the specific needs of your child. It is also an opportunity for us to understand more about your expectations and why you have chosen North-Eastern Montessori School
Offer of a Place
Based on the interview, the supplementary information provided, a position becoming available and our ability to meet the needs and expectations of your child and family, a Letter of Offer may be forwarded to you.
Acceptance and Confirmation of a Place
The Acceptance documentation forwarded with the Letter of Offer must be received by the Registrar within 14 days of the written offer (or prior to commencement – whichever is earlier), along with the payment of the relevant fees and bond as indicated here
Should you wish to NOT accept the offer of a place, it is important that you still notify the Registrar as soon as possible so that your position can be offered to the next family on the waitlist. If the Acceptance documentation and relevant fees are not received within 14 days of the offer, your child’s position may be offered to the next in line on our waiting list.
If you have any questions regarding this process please contact our Registrar Mrs Antida Trengove via email or phone 03 9438 3202