North-Eastern Montessori Schools’ application of the Montessori Philosophy encourages active engagement in study. We encourage our students to take responsibility for their day to day tasks, helping them become self-reliant, independent individuals.
Each child is encouraged to explore the possibilities of reaching their own potential. We recognise that all students have unique talents and strengths, and we want to ensure that each of our students is able to maximise these positives.
How we integrate the Montessori Philosophy into our learning environments
Sensitive Periods
Dr Maria Montessori believed that all children go through periods when they are more sensitive to learning different concepts. Our learning environment is carefully planned to take advantage of these developmental stages.
Our teachers are trained to recognise these sensitive periods and extend the child to the next phase of development. Activities are presented when your child is ready to absorb each new concept.
Therefore, you child can learn at their own pace, developing great self-confidence through their individual achievements. They can then go on to sharing their learning with others, which is just as important as achieving the particular skill itself.

The Learning Environment
Our curriculum is recognized as an alternative national curriculum framework and is included on the Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority’s (ACARA) Recognition Register.
The learning environments at North-Eastern Montessori School are planned and organised to enhance learning in a peaceful and focussed manner, incorporating a three-hour uninterrupted work block.
Everything in each classroom is child-sized and easy to reach, including purpose built kitchen areas to facilitate Practical Life experiences. Care and respect for each other’s needs, work space and the equipment is paramount, students have the opportunity to revisit their learning and continue research projects. The Montessori approach is more than an education method; it is an attitude for life.
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Qualities for Life
At North-Eastern Montessori School, the prepared Montessori environment facilitates the development of self-discipline, independence, self-motivation, concentration, respect and patience leading to a natural love of learning.
Role of the Adult
Our teachers are facilitators and observers of the children. They plan individual learning programmes, successfully balancing whole class, small group and individual learning. Records are kept of progress and achievements, this way your child can move from strength to strength in their learning with adult guidance.
Learning Support
We recognise that some students require extra support or extension in their learning. We have a specialist Learning Support Teacher who caters for these students across the learning continua.

Multi-Age Classes
Like all Montessori schools, our classes span across the 3 Planes of Development and are called ‘Cycles’.
These cycles are an important part of school life and give your child flexibility in developing social and academic skills at their own rate. At the start of each Cycle, your child will experience being one of the younger, nurtured ones in the class. As they get older and more confident, they will reinforce their learning by helping younger children complete their tasks, thus developing leadership and mentoring skills.
Learn more about each Cycle:

Frequently Asked Questions
There are a number of factors which make North-Eastern Montessori School different to traditional education. Many of them have already been highlighted above. Each child is evaluated on an individual basis – this enables our teachers to identify the abilities of each child so that they can work at their own pace. The whole world is a potential learning opportunity with topics explored from an holistic standpoint rather than as a “subject”. Learning is more hands on, enabling children to experience a topic, rather than just read about it, or be told about it.
Experience shows that children education in the Montessori tradition cope very well in other schools. They make the transition well, both emotionally and academically. This is not a random outcome, but something for which they have been well prepared. The Montessori approach aims to encourage children to be independent, responsible, well-organised, inquisitive, self-motivated and adaptable. These qualities play an important part in successful transition and achievement throughout secondary school.
All Montessori environments are prepared for multi-age groupings of children, operating similar to a family and providing a range of key learning and development opportunities.
Children have the opportunity to experience three roles – being the youngest, in the middle, and being the oldest, and therefore develop appropriate behaviours for all three roles..
They are exposed to a diversity of talents and interests, and a far wider curriculum than in a single age classroom. Peer to Peer learning and teaching is enhanced, and children have a greater understanding of community responsibility